
I just got back from a despedida de soltera for a college mate. It's been such a long time since we last saw each other. It was actually more of a reunion than a despedida for her.
I can't believe she is going to get married but I have a very good feeling about her husband-to-be, he was very affectionate with her and she tells me he is very spiritual, which is a very good plus factor for her.
It made most of us think who would be next....hehehehe...sobering thought but funny all the same because most of us didn't have any boyfriends to say who would be married next!
And we also got to know that a beloved friend has separated from her husband. Another sobering thought, to think she sacrificed her future for this guy only to find out that he was philandering behind her back. Makes me think that marriage is fleeting sometimes and even in that, there is no permanence...
But, people still get married..and hope, dream and love.
Fran and Frank with Tinay. I have no idea what they are laughing about but it sure looks fun :P
Tara, Kat, Terteen, Iris, Fran, Jack, Tinay Jenny and Maning

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